The mission of Intelligent Computing Research Group (ICRG) is to make fundamental and groundbreaking contributions in the state-of-the-art computing infrastructures and bridge the gap between software and hardware. Members of ICRG conduct the interdisciplinary research which spans across algorithms, software stack, architecture, circuit, and device.

Current research interests focuses on:

  • Algorithm
    • Efficiency and Security in Machine Learning (机器学习的能效与安全)
    • Algorithm for Intelligent System (智能系统算法)
  • Architecture & Circuit
    • Processing-in-Memory Accelerator (存内计算/存算一体加速器)
    • Brian-inspired Neuromorphic Computing (脑启发神经模态计算)
    • Machine Learning Aided Electronics Design Automation (机器学习辅助电子设计自动化)
  • Device
    • Post-CMOS Emerging Devices (后CMOS新型器件)

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We are constantly looking for new group members (graduats and undergraduates) who are interested in intelligent computing, electronic design automation and computer architecture! Email me or drop by my office if you are interested.


  • Multiple funded graduate research assistant positions available.
  • 本团队长期招收博士生、硕士生、本科研究助理,如果你对课题组相关研究内容感兴趣,欢迎邮件交流沟通。

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[July/2/2024] Work about SNN Training is accepted by ECCV 2024.

[May/2/2024] Work about SNN and LLM are accepted by ICML 2024!.

[March/1/2024] Zhezhi serves as PC member for ICCAD 2024.

[Nov./8/2023] Our work about PIM compiler is accepted by DATE 2024!.

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